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Journal History

Studies in Arts and Humanities Journal (SAHJ) was initially established in 2015 by a bunch of enthusiastic academics and librarians at Dublin Business School in Ireland. SAHJ is an independent, interdisciplinary scholar-led collaboration {SAHkARTell} whose enduring concern is with individual, social, political and cultural practices, in the context of mapping transformations in contemporary society. SAHJ contributors oppose forging disciplinary limits and instead combine these foci in an attempt to establish experimental spaces for critical dialogue that can be utilised by agents to shape and form national and international debate.

SAHJ is a publisher-funded open-access journal. This platform aims to become an international space for cutting-edge faculty, undergraduate and postgraduate scholarship across the arts, humanities and social sciences.

Studies in Arts and Humanities is abstracted/indexed by the following services: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); EBSCO Humanities Source Ultimate, Sherpa Romeo; ROAD; ULRICHSWEB; ProQuest (Arts & Humanities Database, International Index to Film Periodicals Database, Social Science Collection), Social Science Open Access Repository (SSOAR); British Library.


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SAHJ would like to thank the good people at openlibhums for providing the publishing infrastructure.